British Values and Protected Characteristics
British Values
At North Cheshire, we ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. As part of our Jewish ethos, the children are confident and proud of their Judaism and have a strong identity regarding their own community and the State of Israel. Alongside this, we believe that our pupils must be good British citizens, and pride ourselves in our work on British values and heritage.
We have regular whole school assemblies about the British Values where children have the opportunity to discuss and share pupil voice. We aim to support children in understanding how British Values are embedded within everyday life. The British Values have been embedded throughout our curriculum and we ensure to uphold and actively promote British values each day.

Protected Characteristics
At North Cheshire Jewish Primary School we aim to promote equality and tackle any form of discrimination and actively promote harmonious relations in all areas of school life. We aim to provide a broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum that provides equal opportunity for all pupils to maximise their potential regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, gender or sexual orientation.
At NCJPS we seek to:
- Eliminate Discrimination
Advance Equality of Opportunity
Foster Good Relations