PE Kit
It is especially important that children have a warm PE kit. If possible it is advisable for children to keep a pair of trainers in school suitable for all weather conditions. These do not need to be branded names! We luckily have access to three all weather pitches and two with Astro Turf.
Year 4 PE KIT
Please ensure all PE kit is named
- Navy or black shorts
- White t-shirt
- Navy / dark coloured joggers for the winter
- Warm sweatshirt
- Trainers (not pumps). Pumps slide on the Astro Turf in wetter conditions.
- Girls must have socks for PE and not tights
- Pumps are NOT needed in KS2 as gym is done in bare feet
NB: A badged sweatshirt with a hood is an available option for PE. Click here for the uniform order form.
It is a good idea for your child to keep spare socks/tights in their P.E. bag.
Bring in a water bottle (sports bottle) to have water - needed when on the Astro Turf.
Any earrings must taken out on a PE day for health and safety reasons.
Please let us know if your child has any medical conditions.
Year 4 have swimming lessons during the Spring and Summer Terms. Each child will need:
- Swimming Costume
- Swimming Hat (for long hair)
- Towel
- Goggles (If required)